Category: Learning Strategy

  • Is Corporate Learning Just a Vanity Project?

    News last month revealed that PwC China’s $140 million training campus project has been put on indefinite hold. The campus, designed to promote “building trust in leadership,” was ironically derailed by PwC’s own leadership failures as the auditor for Evergrande, the Chinese real estate giant whose collapse briefly shook global markets. It raises an important…

  • What’s the Next Generation of E-Learning Interfaces?

    I’ve been involved in e-learning for more than 20 years and one constant truth during this time is that the LMS is dying. But it’s dying slowly – much like you and I are. It’s aging, showing its wrinkles, but still very much alive. Despite ongoing advancements, the LMS is still clinging on, although perhaps…

  • 4 reasons why Learning Experiences are all the rage

    There’s been a shift in learning technology over the last two decades – from systems that help companies run their training more efficiently, to technology that puts the emphasis on the individual learner. Why did this happen? And is it a real, permanent shift or just another L&D fad? I hope it’s a permanent change…

  • How much are companies spending on training?

    One of my favourite industry studies to read is Training Magazines ‘state of the industry’ report that comes out each year. It’s great because you can track back over decades of the same questions being asked to extract key trends. Just search: ‘[YEAR] training industry report’ to get the relevant PDF, like so: One stat…